B21001614 IFB J21284 Hoapili Hale Replace Carpeting, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
Solicitation Number
Canceled Reason
cancellation of solicitation due to receiving no responsive/responsible bids and receiving bids that exceed available funds
The Judiciary
Canceled Date
05/25/2021 03:43 PM
Islands (where the work/delivery is to be performed)
Release Date
Amendment Date
Amendment Reason
04/01/2021 - Upload drawings for IFB J21284
Offer Due Date & Time
05/07/2021 02:00 PM
The work consists of moving furniture, raising panel walls (A-1), removal and disposal of carpeting, replacing carpeting with carpet tiles, cove base (4”) as needed, transitions and floor preparation in various areas of the building.
Bid security is required for bids procured as Invitation for Bid (IFB) Large Purchase.
1. Bidder shall refer to SECTION 00410 OR 00411, SOLICITATION, OFFER AND CONTRACT FORM, 10 ADDITIONAL SOLICITATION REQUIREMENTS, B. Bid Security for applicable requirement.
2. Bid Security submittal shall be as follows:
a. Photocopy of the bid security shall be submitted with the bid documents in HiePRO.
b. Original bid security shall be delivered within 72 hours of date/time bids are due to: Financial Services Department Contracts and Purchasing Branch 1111 Alakea Street, 6th floor Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Attn: Kelly Kimura
3. Bidders bears whole and exclusive responsibility to assure the bid security is received by Contracts and Purchasing.
Actual contract start and end dates is contingent upon the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
Direct all questions regarding this Solicitation, and any questions or Issues relating to the accessibility
of this Solicitation (Including the appendices and exhibits to this Document, and any other document related
to this Solicitation), to: Miyasato, Noreen.
B21001614 IFB J21284 Hoapili Hale Replace Carpeting, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
Direct all questions regarding this Solicitation, and any questions or Issues relating to the accessibility
of this Solicitation (Including the appendices and exhibits to this Document, and any other document related
to this Solicitation), to: Miyasato, Noreen.
B21001614 IFB J21284 Hoapili Hale Replace Carpeting, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii